The Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) collection contains links to the final, digitized papers submitted to the Graduate School for completion of a master's or doctoral program. The current collection consists of ETDs from 2011 to present that are available in the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. Legacy theses and dissertations are added as they are digitized.
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
The Lived Experiences of Fathers Diagnosed With Cancer: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis, Tamara McFarland
Between Discord and Progress: Suffrage Periodicals and the Woman’s Rights Movement, 1869-1890, Sally Minyard
College- and Career-Ready: The Effect of Career and Technical Education on College Readiness as Demonstrated by Performance on the SAT, Dana L. Miramontes Eldredge
An Investigation to Determine the Relationship Between Reading Achievement and Physical Fitness, Renee Mitchell
Student Achievement in a Flipped Class Environment, Jennifer Nicole Moon
What Leadership Practices do Principals of Elementary Campuses Feel Influence Bilingual Programs?, Marianella Moore
Deregulated Survival Pathways Confer Erythropoietin-Independent Survival and Proliferation in Erythroleukemia Progenitor Cells, Madeleine Morris
Deregulated Survival Pathways Confer Erythropoietin-Independent Survival and Proliferation in Erythroleukemia Progenitor Cells, Madeleine Morris
Secondary Principal Leadership and the Impact on Engaging Hands-On Learning Strategies, Sarah Elizabeth Morrison
Prioritizing Variables for Network Traffic Analysis, Makiya Nakashima
Gaze Estimation Using a Camera-Based Model in a Classroom, lars Ojinnaka
Teachers’ Perceptions of the RTI Process in Elementary Schools, Sandra Orr-Hogg
Do Majority Group Members Experience the Minority Spotlight Effect?, Oluwaseun Mandela Otubanjo
Principal Leadership Beliefs: Grit and Principals’ Sense of Self-Efficacy, Shawn Stephen Perry
Interrelationship Between Homeless and Non-Homeless Veterans: Predicting Housing Needs and Support, Erica Pouncie
Relationship Between the Teacher Advancement Program Evaluation System and Student Achievement in a Low-Socioeconomic District, Tracie Lopez Pritchett
Using Follow-Up Coaching to Increase Self-Efficacy in Foster and Adoptive Parents Using Trauma-Informed Approaches with Their Children, Angela Marie Proctor
An Analysis of District Tardy Policies for Schools from a 2019 Texas Education Agency Campus Comparison Group, Zelmarian Daniels Ready
The Impact of Early College High School on College Persistence to Completion of a Baccalaureate Degree at a Northeast Texas University, Deborah Louise Rhoads
My Soviet Youth: A Memoir With Critical Introduction To The Post-Soviet Cultural Identity, Irina Rodriguez
Survival and Dispersal of California Valley Quail Translocated to Texas, Garrett Tyler Rushing