The Perceptions and Attitudes of Hispanic Parents regarding Ways to Improve Parental Engagement at a Title I High School in North Texas: A Case Study


Ruth DeAnda

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Educational Administration

Date of Award

Spring 2020


It is well noted, that parental engagement is important to the academic success of students. Although, maintaining parent engagement throughout their children's schooling is a necessity, parent participation in their children's schools tends to be more prevalent during the elementary grades. It is not uncommon for parental involvement to drop drastically, once children begin high school (Wolpert-Gawron, 2016). Under federal mandates, low-performing schools receive monies to develop parental and community engagement programs and to assist parents at home to improve their child' s academic success. One such program is the Family and Community Engagement Program (FCEP).Many Hispanic parents encounter obstacles when making informed decisions about their children's education, due to the lack of knowledge about how schools are managed or misunderstanding about the instructional process. In addition, Hispanic parents often encounter oppositional attitudes by school personnel, making them feel unwelcomed. In addition to the lack of information and negative encounters is the parental language barrier which occurs when Hispanic students are from families in which Spanish is the primary language spoken in the home. The purpose of this case study was to explore the perceptions and attitudes of Hispanic parents regarding ways to improve parental engagement in Orgullo High School, a Title I school in North Texas. The researcher sought to understand what Hispanic parents regard as effective ways to improve parental engagement at the high school level. The Hispanic parents who participated generated data that aligned with the five themes of communication, experiences, perceptions, obstacles, and recommendations.


Ava Muñoz

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Administration and Supervision
