
Understanding the Attitude of Career and Technical Education (CTE) Faculty toward Academic Advising and the Impact of Factors as Determinants for Faculty’s Perception of Advising

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Higher Edu and Learning Technology

Date of Award

Spring 2020


The purpose of this nonprobability quantitative study was to examine the attitude of faculty towards the importance of, responsibility for, and level of knowledge on 12 academic advising functions by factors such as gender, race/ethnicity, faculty status, and years teaching in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. The problem addressed in this study was to examine the attitude of faculty toward the importance of, responsibility for, and level of knowledge on advising functions. The Fishbein' s Attitude Development Theory was the theoretical framework for this study as it makes a distinction between beliefs, attitude, intentions and behavior. A review of the literature found underdeveloped studies on the attitude of CTE community college faculty toward advising.A quantitative research design was used to evaluate statistical differences on the attitude of CTE faculty toward 12 advising functions. For this study, a total of 103 surveys were completed and used for statistical analyses from CTE faculty at a large Northeast Texas two-year community college system. There were significant differences found between race/ethnicity and years of teaching a CTE program on advising functions. The data from this research study supports the attitude of faculty that providing most, if not all, advising functions are important although they differentiate responsibility or level of knowledge. Understanding the attitude of CTE faculty informs institutional discussions on faculty engagement strategies as contributors toward institutional goals for student retention and persistence.


JoHyun Kim

Subject Categories

Education | Higher Education