The Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) collection contains links to the final, digitized papers submitted to the Graduate School for completion of a master's or doctoral program. The current collection consists of ETDs from 2011 to present that are available in the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. Legacy theses and dissertations are added as they are digitized.
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Acceptability of Evidence-Based interventions for Aggressive Behaviors: A Comparison of Three Conditions, Megan Elizabeth Anderton
Spatial Perspective Taking: The Role of Risk, Denise Foster Askew
Musical Ability and Tonal Languages: A Psychoacoustic Study of Transfer Effects in the Perception and Production of Tone in Two Domains, Shannon Louise Bailey
Quantum Diffusion in Optical Lattices, Taylor Chase Bailey
Factors Affecting Graduation Rates of High School Continuers, Stephanie Barnes
A Phenomenological Study of Three Generations of African American Families: Understanding the Impact of Their Public School Experiences, YoTonja Denise Benjamin
Stage Management: Interpersonal Communication Skills for the Stage Manager, Robin Leigh Billings
Synthesis and Study of Enhanced Shape Selective Anion Hosts, Anusha Bommidi
Public Secondary School Principals' Perspectives on Teacher Hiring: What Matters Most?, Katharine Bridget Bourke
The Effects of Alternative Study Guide Labels on Testing in Developmental Reading, Shellie Calhoun Buckley
Chiral Nitrogen Heterocyclic Porphyrin Compounds for Chiral Recognation, Lin Chen
Highly Enantioselective Organocatalytic Michael Addition of Ketones to Nitroolefins in Water, Qiankun Chen
Applying the Ogden Taxonomy of Educational Objectives to the introductory Sociology Course: 1892-1957, Jane Bennett Clark
Comparison of Retention Rates Among America's 2-Year Institutions of Higher Education, Tampa Joyce Clark
Posing and Solving Word Problems: the Impact On Second Graders' Achievement Scores, Self-Efficacy, and Attitude, Alesia Louise Cochran
A Study of Personality, Emotional intelligence, Social Maturity, and Job Performance Among Nurses in Rural East Texas, Shannon Johnece Cox
Effects of Crowding Combined With Mood on Working Memory Performance Among College Students, Lisa Marie Daniel
Effects of Crowding on Working Memory Performance Among College Students, Lisa Marie Daniel
Student Loan Debt: A Shift in Financial Policy in the 1990S, Camica V. Davis
Indoctrinating Youth: Nationalism in Hitler Youth Literature, Darina Gayle Davis
Counselor Perception of Competence In Addressing Spirituality: Implications for Practice, Joan Shehane Davis
Supporting Transition of At-Risk Students Through a Freshman Orientation Model, Shawna Lynn DeLamar
Hope in At-Risk Students in Relation to Life Satisfaction and Social Support, Stephanie Dugger Devlin