The Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) collection contains links to the final, digitized papers submitted to the Graduate School for completion of a master's or doctoral program. The current collection consists of ETDs from 2011 to present that are available in the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. Legacy theses and dissertations are added as they are digitized.
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Administrator Perceptions of the Achievement Gap Between African American Students and Other Subpopulations, Jonathan Royle
Effects of Parental Suicide on the Adolescent Survivors' Lives When They Are Adults, Yesim Saatci
Institutional Practices Affecting First-Year Hispanic Students at Two Texas Community Colleges, Karissa Robinson Samuel
Quantification and Characterization of Glycolipids and Phospholipids of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtiiby Hplc-Esi-Tof-Ms, Chirag Savla
Investigation of Methanobactin and Its Analog Peptides, Ramakrishna Sesham
Factors That Influence College Choice: Decisions of Graduate Students, Jody Sue Sheppard
Examining Perceptions Over the Effectiveness of Professional Development and Available Resources On the Common Core State Standards Implementation in Arkansas, Julie Trammell Sheppard
The Road Not Taken: Capturing the Essence of one Family's Experiences with Dropping Out, Alana Alyeene Sloan
The Convicted Job Applicant: Examining the Effect of Reentry Programs on Employers' Perceptions of Ex-Offenders, Jamie Sue Snider
Character Education in Texas Middle Schools: An Analysis of Student Achievement, Attendance, and Discipline, Juan Manuel Solis
Gender and Faculty Rank: An Analysis of Doctoral-Granting Universities by United States Regions, Petra Kirsten Strassberg
Professional Learning Communities: An Analysis of Fifth Grade Special Education Student Achievement and Teacher Longevity in Two Texas School Districts, Teresa Diane Thacker
Learning the Student Role Four Decades Later: A Sociological Analysis of 21st Century Kindergarten as Academic Boot Camp, Mica L. Thompson
Assessment of Mental Health Services and Delivery Systems offered To Weight Loss Surgery Patients, Jennifer Ann Tolson
At Cross Purposes: Faculty Perceptions of Outcomes Assessment and Program Change, Cassidy Colt Turner
Charter School Education in Texas: Student Achievement On the Exit Level Assessment in Math and Science, Jeffery Earl Turner
Efficient Production of Biodiesel Using Starch as a Heterogeneous Catalyst, Mihira Vasana
Emotional intelligence: An Analysis Between Implementing the Leader in Me and 5th Grade Achievement, Coral Lei Wilkens
Porphyrin-Piperidine Hybrids: Hosts for Chiral Guest Recognition, Xiaowen Wu
International Students' Adjustment to American Higher Education Institutions in Northeast Texas, Jiashi Zhao
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Humor Markers in Computer-Mediated Communication, Audrey Adams
Synthesis of Chiral Porphyrins and Structural Studies of Their Host: Guest Complexes, Karthik Akinapelli
A Study On Security Protocols for Hacking Prevention, Nahed Alnahash