Electronic Theses & Dissertations | A&M-Commerce Digital Commons | Graduate School | East Texas A&M University

The Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) collection contains links to the final, digitized papers submitted to the Graduate School for completion of a master's or doctoral program. The current collection consists of ETDs from 2011 to present that are available in the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. Legacy theses and dissertations are added as they are digitized.


Theses/Dissertations from 2013


Synthesis of Supported Gold on Titania Catalysts and Modification with Non-Thermal Plasma for Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene in Large Excess of Ethylene, Arjun Malipeddi


Cscope: An Analysis of a Curriculum Model on Hispanic College Readiness, Laina Kay McDonald


Mentioning the Mothers: Representations of Motherhood as Taught to Eleventh Grade English Students in Texas Through the Study of Dramatic Literature, Heather Wilson Meeks


A Quantitative Comparative Analysis of Bilingual and English As a Second Language Programs Utilizing the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, Jennifer R. Miley


Teacher Experience and Cognitive Appraisals of Discipline Problems in the Classroom, Alexandra Murphy


Study of Methanobactin and Methanobactin Analog Peptides for Selective Binding of Cu(Ii) and Zn(Ii) Ions, Maheshbabu Nasani


The Testing Effect and Memory of Number Facts, Beth Nikopoulos


Photography Workshop Credential: A Universally Accepted Credential for Photography Workshops in National Parks, William Michael Norton


A Longitudinal Analysis of Completion Rates of Underrepresented Groups in Texas Community Colleges, Kevin Antoine Norvell Sr.


The Effect of Late-Season Fertilizer and Herbicide Application on the Recovery of a Bermudagrass (Cynodon Dactylon L.) Pasture, Mirian Judith Ortez


A Quantitative Case Study of the Visiting Scholars Program at a Large Urban Community College in Texas, Phillip Ortiz


The Effectiveness of Inclusion in Texas High Schools, Steven T. Patterson


Concerns of Early Career Agricultural Science Teachers and the Perceived Effectiveness of Educator Preparation Programs in Addressing Those Concerns, Camilla Pearson


The Effects of Pre-Kindergarten Participation on Reading Achievement Among English Language Learners Who Are Socioeconomically Disadvantaged in Grades 1, 2 and 3 in a Large Urban Public School District in North Texas, Diane Aldrich Permenter


Teaching Theory of Mind Skills to Youth and Adolescents with Autistic Disorders, Donna Kennedy Peters


Global Citizenship: Exploring the Effects of Perspective Taking and the Cross Categorization of Social Groups, Lindsey Shirlene Pierce


“Comó somos?” Varying Ideas of Cuban Nationalism, Andrea Potter


Trio Student Support Services: A Comparative Study of African Americans at Three Texas Universities, Hattie Marie Powell


A Comparison of Texas' Closing the Gaps by 2015 Undergraduate Retention and Graduation Policy to Sreb-Member States, David Rankin


Density Functional Theory Analysis of Methanobactin Analog Peptides for Cu(Ii) Selectivity, Chiranjeevi Ravichetti


An Economic Analysis of Foliar Fungicides Used in Northeast Texas Wheat Production, Kandy DeLourdes Rojas Tirado


The Effects of the Stay in School Truancy Program on Academic Success in Harris County, Texas, Carol Ann Rosales


A Longitudinal Study of Revenue Sources of Texas Community Colleges Prior to and After Adoption of the Closing the Gaps Plan, Kevin Paul Rose


The Effect of Elementary Student Participation in the Rachel'S Challenge Program on Student Attendance and Academic Performance, Dina Lynn Rowe


Administrator Perceptions of the Achievement Gap Between African American Students and Other Subpopulations, Jonathan Royle