The Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) collection contains links to the final, digitized papers submitted to the Graduate School for completion of a master's or doctoral program. The current collection consists of ETDs from 2011 to present that are available in the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. Legacy theses and dissertations are added as they are digitized.
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
An Analysis of the Potential Economic Impact of Huanglongbing On the California Citrus industry, Samantha Durborow
Pawsitive Method: Finding A Dog Match Based On Lifestyle, Joshua Lee Ege
Holding On and Letting Go: The Spiritual Assumptive World of Bereaved Parents, Jodie L. Elder
Applying the Ogden Taxonomy of Educational Objectives to the introductory Sociology Course: 1954-2008, Barbara E. Forbes
Do Resources Matter? An Analysis of instructional Spending On College Readiness Indicators in Texas, Treva Etheridge Franklin
The Learning Environment and the Reading Achievement of Middle School African American Male Students in A Suburban School Setting, Nicole Denise Frazier
The Elephant in the Room: A Qualitative Study of Atheists in the Bible Belt, Christina M. Gammon
A Comparison of Office Disciplinary Referrals Between Traditional and Charter Schools in a Texas Region, Vincent D. Garcia
The Sustainable Design Office: Leed-Type Certification for Graphic Design, Richard Nicholas Gavos
Effects of Framing Messages of Globalization and Global Citizenship on Psychological Processes, Shonda Ann Gibson
Exploring the Underachievement of Elementary Gifted Students: An Analysis of Classroom Achievement and Standardized Test Performance, Charissa Marie Govan
Mass Spectrometry Study of Tetraglycine Associated With Selected Metal (Ii) Ions: Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper and Zinc, Archana Gujjari
Language Learning Disabilities and Montessori Techniques, Jennifer Harriman
Shakespeare for the Young Actor: Characterization and Textual Exploration, Valerie Hauss-Smith
Automaticity, Attention, and theory of Mind, Melissa Joan Hawthorne
The Role of Attention and Executive Function in Iowa Gambling Task Performance, Melissa Joan Hawthorne
Hispanic American Degree Attainment and the Effects of Critical Events and Support Systems, Eduardo Hernandez
Vietnamese Central Highlands' Ethnic Conflicts, Thanh Hoang
The Impact of a Social integration Program on Grade Point Average and Retention, Charles Mark Hueber
Examining the Impact and Sustainability of Early Reading First On the Reading Performance of Head Start Graduates: Kindergarten Through Third Grade, Jana Michelle Huffman
Study of the Stability of Insulin Oligomers in the Presence and Absence of Zn(Ii) Using Mass Spectrometry, Srilakshmi Injeti
Academic Red-Shirting: Perceived Life Satisfaction of Adolescent Males, Suzanne Stateler Jones