The Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) collection contains links to the final, digitized papers submitted to the Graduate School for completion of a master's or doctoral program. The current collection consists of ETDs from 2011 to present that are available in the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. Legacy theses and dissertations are added as they are digitized.
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Academic Red-Shirting: Perceived Life Satisfaction of Adolescent Males, Suzanne Stateler Jones
Attitudes Toward Seeking Mental Health Treatment and Provider Preferences Among Law Enforcement officers, Kerry Michael Karaffa
1,2 Diamine and 1,2 Amine Alcohol-Porphyrin Hybrids: Chiral Porphyrins for Anion Recognition, Prathima Kavuri
A Public Rhetoric of Death: Calvinism, Communal Anxiety, and Death Texts in Puritan New England, Melissa Knous
Accelerated Image Processing Using Graphical Processing Units, Krishna Kanth Rohit Komanduri
An Esi-Ms/Ims/Ms Study of Protein interactions with Complexes of Palladium(Ii) Cations in the Presence of Detergents, Porntip Leeprapaiwong
Population Status and Habitat Selection of an Inland Alligator (Alligator Mississippiensis) Population at the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge, Texas, Joseph Daniel Lewis
Structure of Neutron Stars and their Perturbation Excited Gravitational Waves Emission, Weikang Lin
The Beliefs of Administrators: What Makes Professional Development Effective?, Emily Lutrick
Dual Credit: Traditional and Early College High School in a Rural North Central Texas Town, Nicole Mansell
Appraisal of Empathy Among Adults with Different Degrees of Diagnosed Asperger'S Disorder, Azadeh Mansour
NMDA Receptor Characterization of Lectin Positive Stem Cells in the Developing Chick Optic Tectum, Richard Allen Martin
Second Generation Adult Former Cult Group Members' Recovery Experiences: Implications for Counseling, Cynthia Helen Matthews
William Leonidas Mayo: More Maverick Than Modern, Jan Tolar Modisette
Mass Spectrometry and Computational Study of Ubiquitin Associated with Different Metal(Ii) Ions: Zinc, Copper, Nickel, Cobalt, Iron and Manganese, Kiran Kumar Nalla
Chiral Pyrrolidine-Porphyrin Hybrids: Prediction of Enantio Preference in Guest Binding A Priori Based on Host Design, Vijay Nandipati
Modeling the White Dwarf Luminosity Function, Rick Lalangan Navarro
The Relationship of the Texas School Foundation Program Equity to Student Performance and Socioeconomic Status, James Scott Niven
An investigation of Effective Cognitive Strategy Instructional Practices for Mathematical Problem Solving, Heather Ann Oetker
Covert Bullying: When Do Teachers Recognize It?, Donna Kennedy Peters
How To Do Things With Grammar: Rhetorical Function of Some Grammatical Categories in English, Sergio Pizziconi
Effects of Including Okara into the Diet of Post-Weanling Crossbred Boer Goats and Its Impact On Growth and Performance, Lauren Lynn Ramsey
Cultural Incompetence: Representations of Black Women in America Through Selected Popular theatre, Television and Film Performances 1940-2012, Cherie Shardae Randolph
Posttraumatic Growth and Professional Quality of Life: An Exploration of Mental Health Practitioners Working With Military Personnel and Their Family Members, Wendy Kent Robinson
Biology Adjunct Faculty Employment, Support, and Professional Development Across Three Sizes of Rural Community Colleges, Kevin Bruce Rutherford