"The Effects of Alternative Study Guide Labels on Testing in Developmen" by Shellie Calhoun Buckley

The Effects of Alternative Study Guide Labels on Testing in Developmental Reading

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Higher Edu and Learning Technology

Date of Award

Fall 2012


Methods and teaching tools have been researched to determine if they prove to be successful in effectively teaching the underprepared. This study was conducted to compare the differences in the utilization of alternative labeling on study guides to determine if the usage affects the outcome on participant's test scores. A quasi-experimental design was used. Volunteer student participants were drawn from intact developmental reading courses, taught by the same instructor in face to face classes at a community college in north Texas. Two groups were established to draw a comparison between Group A and Group B. This study allowed for statistical comparison across and within both groups to determine if the alternative label of 'Sample Exam' is more powerful than the label 'Test Review' in the title of a study guide for a developmental reader. The statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used to analyze the student participants' test scores at the .05 level of significance using an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results did not find any significant differences in the usage of an alternative label on the title of a study guide given prior to an exam. However, this study indicated a trend appeared to be moving toward higher grades through repetition. Improvement in both groups, though not statistically significant, was shown, and repetition may be the key.


Jon Travis

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Technology
