"Drawing on the Benefit of Trauma-Informed Care and Vicarious Resilienc" by Amanda Jeannette Relf

Drawing on the Benefit of Trauma-Informed Care and Vicarious Resilience: Exploring the Impact of Participating in a Trauma-Informed Professional Development Event

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Educational Administration

Date of Award

Fall 2024


The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of participating in a trauma-informed professional development event and how implementation promoted the development of vicarious resilience in teachers as they learned how to support students’ ability to cope. Teaching in a trauma-informed manner and fostering vicarious resilience among educators significantly impacts student well-being and in promoting safer and more supportive learning environments. The offered professional development focused on trauma sensitive classrooms and positive relationships to improve teachers' self-efficacy in supporting traumatized students, highlighting the importance of explicit training in trauma-informed practices to create an empathetic educational environment. School leaders benefited from this study as it allowed them to gain insight into the specific needs teachers had around trauma-informed classrooms so that future professional learning could be developed in accordance with the Texas Administrative Code. Furthermore, the study contributed valuable information to educational leaders and other professionals on the importance of social-emotional learning, resiliency, and trauma-informed care.


Peter Williams

Subject Categories

