"Quantum Yield Study of the Photo-Activated States of Polymers with Hea" by Emmanuel Aloyine

Quantum Yield Study of the Photo-Activated States of Polymers with Heat and Electric Field

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Physics and Astronomy

Date of Award



Poly-phenylene vinylene (PPVs) when exposed to oxygen and light, easily degrades.This has been one of their major setbacks when it comes to their application in devices. One method employed to study the stability and degradation of organic semiconductors is their Photoluminescence. Differences in the Quantum Yield of heated and unheated solution of BEHP-PPV indicates that heat affects it. By employing photoluminescence, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy, the mechanism that leads to the decrease in the Quantum Yield of the heated solution can be determined in comparison to the unheated solution. Effects of electric field on thick film sample systems made from BEHP-PPV,BDMO-PPV and DIPDI in toluene have been investigated. Electric field being a vector is able to cause the aggregated structure in a polymer to align to its direction. An ordered aggregate is less susceptible to degradation as compared to a less or scattered aggregate structures. Pho-toluminescence spectra of films dried under electric field is taken and compared to films dried without electric field to determine how its stability is affected. Microscopic images are also taken to check the arrangements or patterns of the aggregate structures.


Heungman Park

Subject Categories

Astrophysics and Astronomy | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Physics
