"Embracing Book Diversity in The Early Childhood Classroom: A Qualitati" by Annie Purcell

Embracing Book Diversity in The Early Childhood Classroom: A Qualitative Case Study of Educators Reading Aloud


Annie Purcell

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Curriculum and Instruction

Date of Award



This qualitative case study explored the perceptions of early childhood educators who read diverse books aloud to their students. Framed by the Theory of Social Representations, an explanatory case study method was used to analyze the data, including a survey, interviews, and participant lesson plans. Data was analyzed using a combination of coding methods. Validity and credibility were established through triangulation, explanation building, and participant feedback. The findings show that early childhood teachers believe representation is essential for all students, that diverse books and class discussions are developmentally appropriate, and that challenges are faced when choosing to read diverse books aloud. These challenges include accessibility, authenticity, and parents contesting book selections.


Tami Morton

Subject Categories

Early Childhood Education | Education
