"A Narrative Study: Evaluator Perceptions of How Their Transformational" by Barbara Brewster Solberg

A Narrative Study: Evaluator Perceptions of How Their Transformational Leadership Affects Teacher Performance, Specifically in the Learning Environment Domain of T-TESS

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Educational Administration

Date of Award

Fall 2022


The purpose of this narrative study was to explore administrator perceptions of their transformational leadership in the classroom learning environment as a domain of T-TESS. Administrators have the responsibility, under T-TESS, to lead and develop leaders who can have a positive impact on the learning environment and student outcomes. T-TESS is a relatively new teacher evaluation tool in Texas in 2022 and is designed to bring a different approach to the coaching process within the evaluation itself, therefore resulting in more individualized feedback and professional development suggestions. Additionally, the elements of transformational leadership have provided increased impact on both the teacher and student outcomes.


Ava Muñoz

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Administration and Supervision
