"Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Feeder Cattle Prices " by Kelley Smith

Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Feeder Cattle Prices in Northeast Texas


Kelley Smith

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Ag Science and Natural Resources

Date of Award

Summer 2022


Beef is a prominent commodity in the United States, even though it is understood that the COVID pandemic has affected the beef industry. This study attempts to quantify its effect on feeder cattle prices in Northeast Texas. There are several different stages from farm to fork within the beef industry (cow-calf operations, feeder cattle, stockers, etc.). One that serves as a solid component for the longevity of the beef industry is preconditioned cattle sales. Preconditioned cattle seem to be a less risky and better suiting market to some feedlots which can also bring a competitive nature in the auction ring dependent upon characteristics such as breed, weight, and gender. Ultimately this study concludes that there was a difference among prices from before, during, and current COVID standings of the NETBIO auctions in Northeast, Texas.


Jose Lopez

Subject Categories

Agriculture | Life Sciences
