"Teacher Perceptions About Dyslexia in the Inclusive Classroom: A Narra" by Tonya Fleming

Teacher Perceptions About Dyslexia in the Inclusive Classroom: A Narrative Inquiry


Tonya Fleming

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Educational Administration

Date of Award

Spring 2022


The purpose of this narrative inquiry was to restory the lived experiences of educators teaching students identified as dyslexic in their public-school classrooms. This study was qualitative, using a narrative inquiry research design to understand the third and fourth grade teacher’s thoughts and understanding of students identified dyslexic as well as their perceptions of how effective they are in teaching students identified dyslexic. Data was collected using purposive sampling through individual, electronic, in-depth interviews from educators who teach in the third and fourth grades in inclusive classrooms from 21 elementary schools in a large urban school district in North Texas. Before beginning interviews, the researcher obtained site permission from the school district superintendent. The interviews were recorded over Zoom with the teacher’s approval and were analyzed for reoccurring themes and common topics using NVivo software. The interviews began with opened-ended, expert-reviewed questions that allowed the teachers to share their knowledge and feelings regarding how effectively they teach students identified dyslexic.


Ray Thompson

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Administration and Supervision
