
Periodic Analysis of V447 Lyr: A U Gem Type Cataclysmic Variable in the Kepler Field


Chance Brown

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Physics and Astronomy

Date of Award

Summer 2015


Expanding on the results of Ramsay et al. (2012), we look at the eclipsing dwarf nova V447 Lyrae in the Kepler field. V447 Lyra is a U Geminorum type dwarf nova with eclipses occurring every 3.74 hrs and a light curve that shows characteristic short and long outbursts. We characterize the long and short outbursts by using a high pass Fourier filter then phase align and average the group of 7 long outbursts and the group of 6 short outbursts. The averaged long outbursts show a dip in the light curve around ?????0.7 that is deepest at outburst maximum and gradually gets shallower as the flux declines. At outburst maximum we also observe brightening around phase ?????0.16 which we speculate may be the result of the geometry of the impact region. Timing of eclipse minima during quiescence are observed to occur at later phases than outburst due to the change in relative contributions of luminosity from the accretion disk and bright spot.


Matt A. Wood

Subject Categories

Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Physics