Student Motivation in the Classroom As Affected by Student Voice in Reading Selections
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (Ed.D)
Higher Edu and Learning Technology
Date of Award
Summer 2013
This is a qualitative research study conducted in an attempt to gather information concerning the motivational factors of students as it is linked to the choice of reading materials in the Developmental Reading classroom. Information concerning the motivation levels of students in one Summer term course was collected. The students were given the opportunity to find relevant, interesting materials to use in the classroom as opposed to assigned materials that may not interest them personally. Assignments were adjusted according to the needs and desires of the students as a group. An increase in the self-reported motivation and academic success was reported with all of the participating students due to the changes in the classroom structure. An increase in retention rates among developmental students may result when using these types of motivational strategies. The students response to an increase in self-confidence after enjoying academic success in the developmental classroom leads to higher grades, better attendance, and increased motivation in future classes.
Rusty Waller
Subject Categories
Education | Educational Technology
Recommended Citation
Brooks, Marlaina Kay, "Student Motivation in the Classroom As Affected by Student Voice in Reading Selections" (2013). Electronic Theses & Dissertations. 68.