"School-Based Mentoring Programs in Middle School: Attendance and Acade" by Kimberley M. Cantu

School-Based Mentoring Programs in Middle School: Attendance and Academic Outcomes

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Educational Administration

Date of Award

Fall 2013


Students in the middle grades, particularly seventh and eighth grade, face challenging pressures from school agencies for increased rigor and continual assessment while they also struggle with their own identifiable age-related hardships. Research shows that many students become disengaged during these school years as they leave the one-on-one student teacher relationship in elementary and join an environment that is ever changing with multiple teachers, transitions, and opportunities. As they become more overwhelmed, many students disconnect from school. School-based mentoring programs seek to intervene and provide these students with stability, encouragement, and resources to reach or exceed their potential. This study quantitatively examines students' success rates as measured by improvement in their school attendance, report card grades, and state assessments. This study is quasi-experimental and seeks to determine if school-based, middle school mentor programs positively affect participants' attendance and academic performances as compared to comparable students not receiving the treatment. The researcher will use attendance reports, TAKS data, and report card grades to determine if student school performance improves after participation in the mentoring program. Data will be analyzed using the Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS) software program for each null hypothesis. A one-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be conducted to see if statistically significant student growth occurred in students' attendance or academic progress. Effect size will also be assessed to determine how much impact mentoring had on the experimental group of students.


Arthur Borgemenke

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Administration and Supervision
