"The Impact of the Influences, Goals, and Priorities School Truancy Int" by James Howard Basham III

The Impact of the Influences, Goals, and Priorities School Truancy Intervention on Students’ Motivation, Commitment, and Goal Orientation

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)



Date of Award

Fall 2020


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a specific psychoeducational approach on an adolescent population’s motivation, commitment, and goal orientation. The hypothesis stated that we believe that when truant behavior exist in an adolescent, given the appropriate psychoeducational experience, the effect would increase their motivational level, commitment level, and goal orientation in hopes to decrease their chances for future truant behavior. The impact of this psychoeducational approach could then encourage the student to adjust and develop new goals for their future. The data collection process began with IRB approval. Next the sample size came from students with truant behavior who were referred by their parents who attend a local community church in the southern region of the United States. This selection occurred as the students were referred by their parents who believed that their children exhibited truant behavior. Truant behavior was determined when the student either missed more than 10 or more days of their school within a 6-month period, had any unexcused missing absences or had unexcused missing assignments. To obtain the data, the pre-test of The Self-Motivation Inventory, School Commitment Inventory, and Goal Orientation Questionnaire-Revised were given. Next, the “IGP” was administered and interpreted for the student. Finally, a post-test of the Self-Motivation Inventory, School Commitment Inventory, and Goal Orientation Questionnaire-Revised was given. Once the data was collected, the Pre-test was scored and assessed for their values. Following this, the information from the “IGP” was examined and the results of the congruency between the student’s goals and priorities were shared with each student. Finally, the Post-tests was scored and assessed for their values. The values of the pre-test and post-test were analyzed for statistical significance. The results were examined to see if there was any significant change from the pre-tests and post-tests.


Michael K. Schmit

Subject Categories

Counseling | Social and Behavioral Sciences
