The Effect of Late-Season Fertilizer and Herbicide Application on the Recovery of a Bermudagrass (Cynodon Dactylon L.) Pasture
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Ag Science and Natural Resources
Date of Award
Summer 2013
Fertilization and weed control are some of the most important practices to ensure a good quality and long-term pasture. In 2012 an experiment was designed to compare the effect of different fertilization levels and times of herbicide application on the biomass production and quality of bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L ). Fertilization levels were no fertilizer (Control), the total recommendation from the soil test analysis for N P K, and the total nitrogen recommendation. Herbicide was applied, early applied, late applied in the season, or not applied. Each fertilizer and herbicide treatment was replicated three times in a randomized complete block design with a factorial arrangement of the treatments. The experiment was carried out at two locations: the Texas A & M University-Commerce farm (TAMUC) in Hunt County TX and Tom Bean in Grayson County TX. Plots where fertilizer was applied produced more bermudagrass biomass than the control; furthermore, total fertilization treatments were the most productive. Herbicide treatments did not have an effect on bermudagrass biomass production. The bermudagrass CP, N, ADF and TDN were affected by the fertilization treatments. The total recommendation and the N recommendation were better than the control. The herbicide did not have effect in the quality of the bermudagrass. No interaction was found between fertilization and weed control.
Curtis A. Jones
Subject Categories
Agriculture | Life Sciences
Recommended Citation
Ortez, Mirian Judith, "The Effect of Late-Season Fertilizer and Herbicide Application on the Recovery of a Bermudagrass (Cynodon Dactylon L.) Pasture" (2013). Electronic Theses & Dissertations. 154.