"Self-Advocacy for Students with Mental Health Diagnosis in Higher Educ" by Alexis Duggan

Self-Advocacy for Students with Mental Health Diagnosis in Higher Education


Alexis Duggan

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Higher Edu and Learning Technology

Date of Award

Fall 2024


The purpose of this research study was to understand the role of self-advocacy for students with mental health conditions (SWMHC) by exploring their perspectives. Participants in this study were enrolled students at a public 4-year university within the United States who were registered with student disability services, have a mental health diagnosis, and received accommodations. To further examine this, I utilized an online demographic form, a pre-reflection document, semi-structured interviews, and a post-reflection document to collect data. Test et al. (2005) have developed a self-advocacy framework that specifically focuses on individuals with disabilities. This framework emphasizes the need to understand several components in relation to self-advocacy for the disability community. Test et al.’s framework is best served to further analyze students with disabilities’ experiences at the university level. For the current study, I utilized Test et al.’s self-advocacy framework. The literature review showed that there was limited information and the current research surrounding self-advocacy focuses mainly on students with learning disabilities and does not consider other types of disabilities. With a lack of scholarly research in this area and the significance of self-advocacy for the success and retention of students with disabilities in college, I sought to study the role of self-advocacy for students with mental health conditions. The results of this research study showed that themes that emerged throughout each participants experiences were the role of self-advocacy, knowledge of self, knowledge of rights, communication, leadership, the role of student disability services, success within higher education, and barriers within higher education. The findings of this research study revealed that the components of self-advocacy explained in Test et al. (2005) framework play an integral role in the experiences of SWMHC enrolled in higher education.


Tony Lee

Subject Categories

Education | Higher Education
