"The Informed Principal and The College, Career, and Military Readiness" by Amanda Brantley

The Informed Principal and The College, Career, and Military Readiness Accountability Matrix: A Descriptive Embedded Case Study

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Educational Administration

Date of Award



Recent federal legislation mandates that college and career readiness be integrated into the curriculum for all high school students (National Center for Education Achievement, n.d.). To support economic growth, educated individuals must be available within an industry and local area (Harvey et al., 2019). Therefore, "[t]he essence of college and career readiness is to promote workforce development for today's high school students" (Harvey et al., 2019, p. 3). School accountability has recently shifted to include CTE (Every Student Succeeds Act, n.d.). Notably, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), signed into law in 2015, mandates that all students be held to high academic standards, preparing them for college and careers. This mandate is a pivotal point in the history of CTE because, for the first time, federal legislation explicitly included CTE in defining a mandatory well-rounded education with coordination of academic and technical coursework at the state and local levels (Every Student Succeeds Act, n.d.). Programs of study are an integral part of federal CTE legislation, beginning with the 2006 reauthorization of the Carl D. Perkins Act (Perkins IV Text - S.2590 - 109th Congress, 2005). The intention behind programs of study is to tie student outcomes and learning to the labor market needs of the state or region (TEA, 2020). This programming structure benefits the student, who is more readily employable, and the local and state economies (TEA, 2020). This descriptive case study examines educators' perceptions of the value of CTE in preparing students for postsecondary life, the implementation and value of CTE programs of study, and their students' college and career readiness levels. This study found that CTE teachers believe that programs of study prepare students for college, career, or military readiness.


Nate Templeton

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