A Principal’s Leadership Disposition When Developing a Magnet Arts School: A Case Study


James Markle

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Educational Administration

Date of Award



Magnet schools provide the educational consumer with a unique set of programming, like visual and performing arts, and often require the leader to have a unique set of leadership skills to execute the school’s vision. In this study, the researcher used the case study method to examine the leadership disposition of a principal charged with leading an arts magnet school. Through the lens of transformational leadership, the study examined what behaviors the leader utilized to create a sustained culture in the developing organization. The participant in this study is an established elementary principal at a magnet arts program that allows current students and others within the district an opportunity to enroll. The researcher obtained data regarding the participant’s leadership behaviors through an interview with the principal, campus visits for observation by the researcher throughout the duration of the study, and supplemental instrument, multifactor leadership questionnaire (MLQ) survey questions between the principal and researcher. The participant interview was conducted in-person and via digital conferencing as deemed appropriate due to COVID-19 protocols. The researcher’s intent is to evaluate the potential for transformational leadership traits needed to create and sustain an effective arts magnet school. These results will have potential impact on district leadership looking to invest in new magnet programming or improve magnet programs that has been defined unsuccessful. In addition, the evaluation of the principal’s leadership decisions will also provide a framework for campus administrators looking to create an innovative approach to new instructional models through a magnet’s unique programming potential.


Ray Thompson

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Leadership
