"Career and Technical Education Teachers’ Perceptions of Professional D" by Candace McGowan

Career and Technical Education Teachers’ Perceptions of Professional Development Needs: A Q Methodology Study

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Educational Administration

Date of Award

Spring 2023


Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers have unique professional development needs due to their teaching content and route to teacher certification. A literature review revealed little to no research investigating CTE teachers' perceived needs for professional development in Texas. Additionally, the literature suggests that teachers who enter the profession through alternative certification may not have the necessary pedagogical skills to succeed in the classroom. The researcher designed this Q methodology study to investigate the professional development needs of CTE teachers in a suburban school district and compare the results of university-based certified teachers and alternatively certified teachers within the population. The Q methodology allows teachers to rank factors based on their opinions providing a quantitative way to collect qualitative information.


Teresa Farler

Subject Categories

Education | Teacher Education and Professional Development
