
The Pushout of African American Girls: Restorying the Perceptions of African American Girls’ Out-of-School Suspension Experiences

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Educational Administration

Date of Award

Spring 2023


Today’s schools tend to implement exclusionary disciplinary outcomes that push African American girls out of the usual school classroom setting more than other students. This dissertation spotlights discipline disparities for African American girls in Southern United States schools. The study aimed to understand the perceptions of African American girls’ restorying of their out-of-school suspension experiences. The Black girls shared their perceived feelings by responding to interview questions utilizing the narrative inquiry method. The girls’ narratives drawn from the research may contribute to insights that support schools in reducing the disciplinary disparity that African American girls in schools in the Southern United States face. The experiences of the five participants are categorized in the findings into four overarching themes: Drama in My Life, Lack of Care and Concern, Unfairly Labeled, Changes Needed. All five participants’ stories elicited a need for future research to understand the out-of-school suspension of African American girls.


Melissa Arrambide

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Psychology