"Leadership Practices Which Promote Teacher Retention at Title I School" by Theresa Taylor

Leadership Practices Which Promote Teacher Retention at Title I Schools: A Narrative Inquiry

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Educational Administration

Date of Award

Fall 2022


The literature contained a gap related to a lack of studies of veteran teachers’ perspectives on the leadership practices of their principals that promote teacher retention in Title I schools. The problem for investigation was the need to understand how veteran teachers of Title I campuses narrate their experiences with principal leadership practices. The purpose of this narrative inquiry study was to explore veteran teachers’ narratives about principal leadership practices and campus conditions that promote teacher retention on a Title I campus. The researcher performed 11 semistructured interviews with veteran teachers at Title I campuses with 2 or more years of experience at the same school after receiving certification. The schools were located in two school districts. The participants’ interviews occurred via Zoom video conferences. Trustworthiness occurred through the transcriptions of the semistructured interviews, the role of the researcher, and member checking. The four overarching themes identified were leadership practices that improve teacher morale, characteristics of leaders improve teacher morale, external factors that impact teacher retention, and demotivators for teachers. The results of the study support the need for principals to be reflective in their leadership practices that have a direct effect on teacher retention. These findings could be used to inform campus principals of teachers’ experiences, perceptions, and input relating to leadership practices that increase teacher retention on a Title I campus.


Ray Thompson

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Administration and Supervision
