
Does Participation in Individual or Team Sports Impact Academic Achievement Due to More Developed Metacognitive Self-Regulatory Skills?

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Date of Award

Spring 2016


Researchers have begun to consider the possibility that the development of self-regulated learning skills may transfer learning in other domains such as sports or music. Understanding the role of such domains and their contribution to the development of self-regulated learning skills provides the opportunity to develop programs (e.g., providing metacognitive tools or workshops on self-regulation skills to students) designed to increase academic performance. The few studies that have been published on self-regulated learning in sports tend to focus on differences between novice and expert athletes during adolescence. However, there remains a void in research considering the impact of athlete type and self-regulated learning skills and how this relates to academic performance among college students. Knowledge in this area could offer more insight into environments that may increase self-regulated learning. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between type of sport participation and self-regulatory skills on academic achievement among student athletes. Ninety NCAA Division II athletes at a university in the southern United States with approximately 6,000 undergraduate students completed the self-regulated learning self-report scale (SRL-SRS) to determine their level of self-regulated learning skills, as well as a demographic survey. Individual and team sport athletes reported similar GPAs. While the findings did not demonstrate superior self-regulated learning skills between athlete type (i.e., individual versus team sport) on the total score of the self-regulated learning skills instrument or the majority of the subscales, the results observed higher scores for individual sport athletes on the planning subscale. Additionally, scores on the self-monitoring subscale were a predictor of self-reported GPA. Future researchers should further examine the relationship between self-monitoring and athlete type, examining the relationship between goal-setting or motivation as additional factors predicting academic performance.


Lacy E. Krueger

Subject Categories

Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences