
Teacher and Student Perspectives of College Readiness Preparation in One Small Public College Preparatory High School


Deborah Floyd

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Curriculum and Instruction

Date of Award

Spring 2016


The researcher examined the perceptions of high school faculty and high school graduates on college readiness in one small public urban college preparatory school. Qualitative data were obtained from the students regarding their perceptions of college readiness through individual, face-to-face interviews. Teachers from the same school were also individually interviewed regarding their perceptions of students’ college readiness. The results showed faculty members and students held similar perceptions on instructional programs, the rigor of instruction, faculty expectations of students, and students’ developmental assets. Faculty and students believed that the program of study contained the components necessary to prepare the students for college. Faculty and students held differing perceptions on obstacles to completing college and possible additions to the school program. Students’ perceptions focused on the need for less emphasis on testing and more emphasis on theoretical aspects of course content. Some students also suggested that the high school program should place additional emphasis on the social aspects of college and communication skill development. Finally, teachers suggested that the program could have included a more integrated, capstone course at the conclusion of students’ high school plans.


Madeline Justice

Subject Categories

Education | Higher Education | Secondary Education