
The Effects of Peer Assisted Learning Strategies Reading Intervention on Fifth and Sixth Grade English As a Second Language and English-proficient Pairs

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Special Education

Date of Award

Summer 2016


Lack of reading fluency is a problem affecting students across the nation (Stormont, 2012). Studies have shown that early intervention, before the third grade, is critical to ensuring that students reach grade level in reading (Stormont, 2012). However, fewer researchers have explored the effects of intense interventions at later grade levels, specifically interventions utilizing peer mentors with students who are English as a Second Language (ESL) learners. With this study, the researcher explored the effect of a peer learning strategy (PALS) pairing ESL students with English-proficient peers on fifth and sixth grade ESL students’ word knowledge and comprehension. A quasi experiential design with random participant assignment to either a control or an intervention group was used. The results from the study indicated that no significant differences for word knowledge or comprehension among the groups for the pre and post the STAR Progress Monitor (STAR PM). There was, however, a significant difference among the intervention group from pre to post on the STAR PM in the negative direction. The Gray Oral Reading Test (GORT) was given to a subset of participants as a criterion measure to address concurrent and predictive validity. Presented in the following discussion are factors that influenced results, limitations, implications for practice, and


Beth Jones

Subject Categories

Education | Special Education and Teaching