
The Perceptions of Personal Counseling Among Cacrep Counseling Graduate Students


Leeiner Munoz

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)



Date of Award

Spring 2022


Personal counseling is often utilized as an essential component of counselor education programs. Recent research literature suggests substantial benefits for the use of personal counseling in the formation of future counselors; other studies have reported inconclusive results on the influence of personal treatment on the preparation of future clinicians with no relationship being found between personal counseling and treatment outcome. Although ACA suggest guidelines to employ personal counseling as a corrective and remedial procedure for the continual development of counselors in training, CACREP educational program does not mandate schools under their accreditation judication to require personal counseling as part of the counseling program curriculum of future counselors. Therefore, counseling programs may graduate counselor students without any experience with their own personal counseling. The purposes of this qualitative study are to (a) explore the lived experiences of students’ perceptions of personal counseling in a CACREP accredited school, and (b) examine students’ perceptions of personal counseling in their personal and professional development.


Lavelle Hendricks

Subject Categories

Counseling | Social and Behavioral Sciences