
Compromise and Issues of Self-Efficacy in the Lives of Working Rural Women in Texas

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)



Date of Award

Fall 2021


Women in rural areas experience different issues than women in urban areas, which may be the result of living in rural communities. Specifically, women who are part of rural communities are likely to have unique encounters in their vocational development due to the patriarchal structure as well as the geographical isolation of the rural communities in which they live (Stoltz-Loike, 1992). Due to unique factors, such as gender role beliefs, lack of privacy, access difficulties, emphasis on family, self-reliance, and isolation (Slama, 2004) that rural women face in the United States, compromises and self-efficacy issues that are ingrained in these women are not likely to even be questioned. I utilized a transcendental phenomenological approach to gain insight into and a better understanding of the lived experiences of rural women in Texas. Participants’ perceptions of their experiences will aide in identifying themes individually and collectively as a group.


Steve Armstrong

Subject Categories

Counseling | Social and Behavioral Sciences