Document Type

Honors Thesis

Date of Award



This thesis examines the show Yuri!!! On Ice, specifically its portrayal of gay men. It 1) explores the themes present in the work, with a focus on the depiction of queerness as a transformative force, 2) examines the audience’s opinion of the work via content analysis, and 3) discusses the representation of queer people within the work. The representation of gay men in the show is discussed within the larger framework of Western media, and I also provide context from histories of queer representation in both America and Japan, review common trope usage (both within the story and in Western media at large), and discuss current events during the show’s original airing. Yuri!!! On Ice is considered noteworthy due to the presence and treatment of its queer characters, especially compared to other contemporary media. I carry out this thesis by 1) reading select literature on histories of queer representation, 2) watching and analyzing the series itself, 3) comparing and contrasting the general contents and themes of the series with that of other works, and 4) collecting and interpreting commentaries left by viewers of the work.


Zachary Palmer

Included in

Psychology Commons
