Document Type
Honors Thesis
Date of Award
Fall 2023
In 1994, social anxiety was added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual as another term for social phobia (Bögels et al., 2010). More recent editions of the DSM define social anxiety disorder as a persistent fear of situations in which the patient may be exposed to unfamiliar people or potential review by others and causes those who suffer from it to either avoid social situations or endure them with high levels of anxiety. Those who suffer from social anxiety engage in consistent monitoring of their own behavior to avoid displaying any signs of their anxiety (Richards, 2022). While this fear is typically associated with only social or performance situations, social anxiety may also influence student learning as well. The conductors of this study hypothesized that students with social anxiety disorder may process less of the information that is presented to them in a classroom setting due to consistently monitoring their own behavior. These same students may also avoid asking clarifying questions within the classroom or seeking help outside of the classroom setting for fear of being viewed negatively by either their professor or their peers. The conductors of this study posted an online survey which recorded participants’ responses to a Social Interaction Anxiety Scale, as well as their GPA scores, and responses to questions regarding their coping mechanisms and how often they ask questions in the classroom and seek outside help with their classes. A literature review is conducted, and an explanation of the methods and materials used is provided, as well as their purpose. Researchers found that higher levels of anxiety on certain SIAS items were positively associated with GPA scores. Anxiety regarding self-expression was negatively correlated with asking questions within the classroom, and discomfort in social situations was negatively correlated with seeking help outside of classrooms. Gender identity was found to be related to anxiety levels on certain SIAS items. Use of tobacco within the week prior to participating in the survey was positively associated with grade point average, and frequency of gambling for money within the week prior to participation in the study was negatively correlated with asking questions within the classroom.
Karin Tochkov
Recommended Citation
Cook, Emma, "Does Social Anxiety Affect Student Learning?" (2023). Honors Theses. 226.