The Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) collection contains links to the final, digitized papers submitted to the Graduate School for completion of a master's or doctoral program. The current collection consists of ETDs from 2011 to present that are available in the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. Legacy theses and dissertations are added as they are digitized.
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Longitudinal Academic Achievement Outcomes: Modeling the Growth Trajectories of Montessori Elementary Public School Students, Jan Davis Mallett
Declarations and Differences: Describing Elementary African American and Hispanic Boys' Motivation to Read, Paula Mason
Factors Influencing the Establishment and Sustainability of Professional Learning Communities: The Teacher's Perspective, Lanny James Mathews
Black Males' Return and Completion of Postsecondary Degrees Following Earlier Attrition, Rayna Yvonne Matthews
Do Personalized Audio and Visual Texts Promote Deeper Cognitive Processing, Stephen Dale McDaniel
Dynamic Collisions: Directorial Montage in the Devised Work of Anne Bogart, Alesa Mcgregor
Preemptive Driver Education Training to Help Mitigate the Future Incidence of Road Rage, Freda Anne Metoff
Teacher Perceptions of Leadership Styles in Distinguished Title I Schools and the Effect on Teacher Satisfaction and Effort, Sharon C. Newman
Transparency, Transformation, Trancendence, Vinh Thi Quang Nguyen
The Impact of Focused, Long-Term and Collaborative Professional Development on Math and Science Participants' Self-Efficacy, Classroom Practice, and Student Achievement, Mary Elizabeth Nottingham
Women Exploring Green and Nontraditional Job Training at the Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology, Robbie Marie Pearson
Investigation of Gallium Promoted Palladium/Titanium Dioxide Catalysts for the Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene in the Presence of Ethylene, Luis Fabian Pena-Orduna
Density Based Visualization of Big Data with Graphical Processing Units, Ramesh Shreyank Periyapatna
Spontaneous Evaluations Versus Delayed Consideration: The Effect of Evaluation Mode Upon Attitude Moralization, Curtis Puryear
Role of Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase (Pi3K) in Protein Kinase C (Pkc)-Induced Breast Cancer Cell Metastasis, Alaa Qurban
Multi Agent Coordinated Path Planning Using Imporved Artificial Potential Field-Based Regression Search Method, Md Abdur Rahman
College and High School Educators' Perceptions of Current College Readiness Levels, Edgar Reed
Music Volume Effects on Context-Dependent Memory, Stacey Elizabeth Relph
An Exploration of Black American and Dominican Young Adults' Perceived Ethnic Value, Perceived Effects of Family Poverty, General Self-Esteem, and Attitudes Toward School, Jessica Richardson
Comparision of Biodiversity of Avifauna in Urban Landscapes in Spring, Jessica Michelle Robissa
Identification of Protein Complexes Using Machine Learning (Pybrain and Scikit-Learn) Based on Dna Sequence Data, Wuthiwat Ruangchai
Weapon Focus Effect and Eyewitness Identification: Effects of Training, Natalie Saladino
Novel Foods as a Form of Environmental Enrichment for Mice (Mus Musculus): Effects on Behavior, Physiology, and Reproduction., Ryan Scauzillo
Effects of an Online Student Response System on Rural Fifth Graders' Science Achievement, Katie Scarlett Shipman