The Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) collection contains links to the final, digitized papers submitted to the Graduate School for completion of a master's or doctoral program. The current collection consists of ETDs from 2011 to present that are available in the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. Legacy theses and dissertations are added as they are digitized.
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Teacher and Student Perspectives of College Readiness Preparation in One Small Public College Preparatory High School, Deborah Floyd
Examining the Dynamic of Classroom Management, Classroom Environment, and Student Choice: An Action Research Ethnography, Laura M. Flynn
Responding to the Needs of Linguistically Different Students: Informing the Rio Grande Valley Principalship of Effective Teaching Practices, David Alejandro Gamboa
Electronic Effects on the Chiral Recognition Properties of Chiral Porphyrin Hosts, V S R Krishna Gangu
Facilitation and Interference Components of the Size Congruity Effect in College Students, Trina Len Geye
Gender and Age Classification from Facial Images Using Deep Learning, Dhiraj Gharana
Extracurricular Activities and the Effect on Student Achievement, Lydia Gonzales
The Role of Spirituality in Happy Fifty-year Marriages, Kerin K. Groves
Siderophore Production in Methanotrophy of Methylosinus Trichosporium Ob3b During Cultivation Optimization, Shakti Bishal Gurung
Equine Physiological Responses to Competitive Barrel Racing, Brooke Harris
The Relationship Between Building Teacher Leadership Capacity and Campus Culture, Dawn R. Harris
To Protect and Serve? the Indian Colonial Police: 1861-1932, Michael Ray Hinz
Parent Perceptions of Parental Involvement Within School Districts with and Without Significant Disproportionality in Special Education, Ehrikka Hodge
The Effects of Peer Assisted Learning Strategies Reading Intervention on Fifth and Sixth Grade English As a Second Language and English-proficient Pairs, Cynthia Jackson
The Affective Factors that Influence the Academic Reading Self-Perceptions of African American Males in Grades 3, 4, and 5, Dana J. Jobe
A Highly Enantioselective [4+2] Cycloaddition Involving Aldehydes and Β,ƴ-unsaturated-α-keto Esters, Nanda Kumar Katakam
The Power of Observation: Dallas Progressives and Prostitutes at the Turn of the Century, Leah LaGrone Ochoa
A Longitudinal Study of the Metacognitive Abilities of Avid Participants at College, Nancy Seurinck Lamphere
John Steinbeck‘s Economics of Behavior: A Social Exchange Reading of the Worker Trilogy and the Monterey Trilogy, Billy J. Lancaster
Holy Infidels: Orthodoxy, Gnosticism, and Scriptural Interpretation in Early Christianity, Samuel D. Lawrence
The Impact of Family Interaction Patterns on the Identity Orientation and Career Exploration and Decision Making Processes of College Students, Janet Robertson Lewis
Transgender Student Experience: Interactions with Faculty and Peers in the College Classroom, Tara N. Lewis
Analysis of the Use of Course Management Systems in Online Courses at Public 4-Year Institutions in the State of Texas, Mei-Ying Lin
The Perceptions of College Counselors Who Have Counseled College Students After Mass Crises: A Phenomenolgical Study, LaShondra Patrice Manning
Zebrafish Oocyte Maturation Bioassay As a Screening Tool for Selected Environmental Chemicals, Era Maskey