The Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) collection contains links to the final, digitized papers submitted to the Graduate School for completion of a master's or doctoral program. The current collection consists of ETDs from 2011 to present that are available in the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. Legacy theses and dissertations are added as they are digitized.
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Relativistic Corrections in Heavy Ion Elastic Scattering, George Phillip Robinson
Pressing Toward the Mark: The Influence of Spiritual Meaning on the Retention of African American Male Graduate Students at Public Universities, Jeremiah Emmanuel Shipp
Relationships Among Race, Racial Microaggressions, Academic Motivation, and Academic Self-efficacy, Michelle Lee Williams Smith
Building a Weapons Ontology in Rdf Format, Divya Caroline Solomon
Faculty Job Satisfaction at a Public Two-year College District in Texas, Denecia Naomi Spence
A Data-driven Analysis of Rate-my-professors’ Student Reviews on Universities, Gunaseelan Tamilchezhian
Examining Administrator Perceptions: Maintaining Sociologically Diverse Gifted and Talented Programs in Pk-12 Settings, Cheryl Urbanovsky
Neuroendocrine Disruption by 17α-ethinylestradiol and Bisphenol-a in Zebrafish, Taelah Wooten
Investigation of Pd-ceria Catalysts for Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene in Ethylene, Wentao Xie
Integrative Gene Regulatory Network Inference Using Multi-omics Data, Neda Zarayeneh
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Eco-Critical Study of Tanure Ojaide's The Activist and The Tale of the Harmattan, Charity Alami Adama
What Makes a Mobile Game Successful: A Data-driven Analysis of the Ios Game App Market, Pradeep Kumar Balan
Role of G1p3-induced Tubulin Acetylation Confers Metastatic Potential in Breast Cancer Cells, Swati Balluri
Feeder Cattle Price Differentials Using Northeast Texas Beef Improvement Organization Sulphur Springs and Cattle Auction Data, Taiwo Mary Bankole
The History of the Trinity Valley Community College System 1986-2000, Ginger Lee Blurton
Relativistic Coulomb Excitation of the Pygmy Dipole and Giant Resonances, Nathan Scott Brady
Maintaining Humanistic Values of Caring During Orthopaedic Surgical Residency Through Effective Mentors, Patricia Bush
Convergence Culture and Competing Literacy Sponsors in Post-arab Spring Movements, Rachel Noel-Marie Cantrell
Quantum Echoes: The Spaces Between Interdisciplinary Composition and the Teaching of Writing, Geoffrey Clegg
Study of Zn(II) Binding of an Analog Methanobactin Peptide Using Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry, Manogna Deeconda
School Counselors’ Perceptions of Preparedness for Counseling and Supporting Students Dealing with Grief and Complicated Grief, Janet Elizabeth Dougherty
Administrator Perceptions in a Large Urban School District in Texas: Year One of a New Evaluation Process for Teachers, Keith L. Ellis
Mathematics Achievement of African American and Hispanic Middle School Students in Title I and Non-title I Schools, Jasmine Ervins