"Hispanic Academic Achievement: The Relationship Between the Success of" by Reyna Marie Sotelo

Hispanic Academic Achievement: The Relationship Between the Success of Hispanic 5Th Graders and their Teachers' Perception of the School's Learning Environments

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Educational Leadership

Date of Award

Summer 2012


This study serves as a source of information to guide society towards learning what learning environment characteristics contribute to successful performances of Hispanic 5th graders on state assessments. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the achievement of Hispanic fifth graders and teachers' perception of the school's learning environment. Data from the 2009-2010 academic school year from the Academic Excellence Information System (AEIS) revealed that there were five elementary schools in Education Service Center Region X in Texas with a high percentage of Hispanic students passing Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) Reading. Employing purposeful sampling, the researcher selected schools from Education Service Center Region X in Texas with a 5th grade enrollment of at least 65 students, with 50% of the students being low socioeconomic Hispanic students and schools that have a Hispanic student TAKS Reading passing rate of at least 90%. The researcher selected one school which was located within the largest urban suburban school district with a 45% Hispanic student population. The researcher conducted an analysis of the school's total learning environment using the School Observation Protocol, the Classroom Observation Protocol, and a Focus Group Interview developed by the researcher. Teachers provided their perceptions of the learning environment of their school by responding to items from The Culturally Responsive Learning Environment Rating Scale (CRLE) with permission obtained from Dr. Joyce Miller. Using data from the Protocols and the Focus Group Interview, data revealed three learning characteristics within the school; language, culture, and community. The teachers in this study perceive the learning environment of their school as characterized by culturally responsive attributes. There was no significant correlation between teachers' perception of the learning environment and the TAKS Reading achievement of 5th grade Hispanic students who successfully passed TAKS Reading. It is recommended that schools regularly utilize instruments such as the CRLE in evaluating their school's learning environment and making the necessary changes. Schools that have a high percentage of Hispanic students should intertwine the Hispanic culture in the school's curriculum, instruction, student involvement, and parent and community involvement.


Joyce Miller

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Leadership
