"Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Acceptability of Evidence-Based interventi" by Megan Elizabeth Anderton

Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Acceptability of Evidence-Based interventions for Aggressive Behaviors: A Comparison of Three Conditions

Document Type


Degree Name

Specialist in School Psychology (SSP)


Psychology and Special Education

Date of Award

Spring 2012


Current research indicates that many evidence-based behavior interventions are highly effective in the classroom (Landrum, T.J., Cook, B.G., Tankersley, M., & Fitzgerald, S., 2007). However, they are underused by teachers because they are not seen as applicable, the teachers may lack the self-efficacy for implementing them, or both (Andreou & Rapti, 2010; Landrum et al., 2007). Certified teachers who were also students at Texas A&M University-Commerce were given a packet containing an intervention formatted in one of three different ways as well as a student scenario, a self-efficacy scale, a treatment acceptability scale, a feasibility scale and a demographic questionnaire. The purpose of this study was to investigate general education and special education teachers' sense of self-efficacy, treatment acceptability and feasibility of classroom behavior interventions with students who display aggressive behaviors based on the format of the intervention.


Jennifer Schroeder

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Psychology
