"Exploring Supervisees’ Experiences of Discussing Personal Issues in Pr" by Sandy Stillo

Exploring Supervisees’ Experiences of Discussing Personal Issues in Professional Counselor Supervision: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis


Sandy Stillo

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)



Date of Award

Summer 2018


Generally, personal issues are thought to be issues not suited to discussion or exploration in the supervisory relationship. Regardless, personal issues do arise for supervisees through the course of the supervision. While the boundary between counseling and supervision must ethically be maintained, the supervisor is in fact a counselor, and the effective use of counseling skills is important to the success of supervision. I used interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) to explore the experiences of LPC interns who discussed personal issues with their supervisors. Participants’ perceptions of their supervisory relationships varied, as did the types of personal issues they shared with their supervisors. Themes were identified in each individual case before combining cases to discover common themes.


Linda Ball

Subject Categories

Counseling | Social and Behavioral Sciences
