
Promoting Assistive Technology (AT) in Classroom Reading Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



Date of Award

Spring 2017


Assistive technology (AT) helps bridge the gap between students with learning disabilities (LD) and their peers (Van Laarhoven, Munk, Chandler, Zurita, & Lynch, 2012). However, this implies a need for teachers who are well trained and proficient in the use of AT to teach students who have learning disabilities in the use of technology. Although there are established AT competencies for educators (Bryant et al., 1998) and assistive technology services, as defined by IDEIA, requires professionals be knowledgeable enough about AT to be able to select and recommend specific technology to IEP teams. Professionals should also be well-versed with AT to be able to train students in its use (Edyburn, 2013). There is therefore a need for further research on teachers’ perceptions of their ability to adhere to these standards. Additionally, given the introduction of the iPad for mobile learning and the fact that teachers are having trouble blending traditional literacy approaches with digital literacy, there is a need to investigate teacher knowledge of iPad applications to remediate reading skills (Hutchison, Beschorner, & Schmidt‐Crawford, 2012) and the impact of framing effects on teacher conformity to iPad use (Goldstein, Cialdini, & Griskevicius. 2008). To investigate these areas, a survey was administered to teachers of students with LD at the elementary and middle school levels. Participants came from one institution of higher education in the Northeast Texas region, specifically in graduate programs in education or related fields. Results informed the literature regarding professional development trainings related to teacher use of AT.


Beth A Jones

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Psychology | Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences