"Assessing Motivation of Collegiate African American Males in A Rural A" by Calvin E. Green

Assessing Motivation of Collegiate African American Males in A Rural Area of East Texas

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Higher Edu and Learning Technology

Date of Award

Summer 2013


The purpose of this study was to investigate achievement factors of African American males on a college campus in the state of Texas, primarily a private 4-year college that serves a predominantly African American student population. The researcher used a case study approach to determine factors that affect the persistence of these college-aged men. A major goal of this study was to monitor a group of participants as they spoke about factors of persistence, family life, educational strides, stereotypes, perseverance, and resilience that might have aided their motivation to achieve academically. The researcher conducted a series of open-ended interviews that were 30 to 45 minutes in length. Individuals participated in one to three interview sessions based on their availability to answer the interview questions during each session. An interview guide included open-ended questions that were used to capture participant feedback for data analysis. Findings may begin to drive new approaches to studying African American males in college and increase awareness to support the efforts of these students. While this one study may not change policy, it sought to point leaders in this direction as a snapshot of one group was revealed. After reviewing the data from these African American male students, several themes resonated with the researcher as they constantly affected and went against findings of previous literature for this demographic. The young men in this study took what was given to them and became responsible for the paths they chose to manifest and fulfill each of their destinies.


Lee "Rusty" Waller

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Technology
