"The Impact of Gender Stereotype Endorsement on Male Agency Attribution" by Jason McCain

The Impact of Gender Stereotype Endorsement on Male Agency Attribution


Jason McCain

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Psychology and Special Education

Date of Award

Summer 2015


The objectification of women in Western society has been found to be a predicting factor in such negative psychological outcomes as disordered eating, depression, and sexual dysfunction. Although there has been some research exploring these outcomes in men, the results have been mixed and questions as to the factors that influence these outcomes remain. An individual???s competence, or agency, has recently been examined as a factor influencing the objectification of women, and this same factor may explain the scarcity of objectification findings for men. Research into stereotypes indicates that men are stereotypically attributed high levels of competence, whereas women are attributed less. The current study replicated the method of previous research in the area of agency using stimuli related to stereotypes of men. Contrary to predictions, the results indicated a stronger attribution of agency for non-stereotypical men. The nature of these findings is considered.


Benton H. Pierce

Subject Categories

Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences
