"The Relationship Between Tuition and Additional Financial Indicators a" by Ernest Stephen Uhr

The Relationship Between Tuition and Additional Financial Indicators at Independent Private Schools in the United States

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Educational Administration

Date of Award

Summer 2015


This quantitative study was designed to determine if there are significant relationships between or among tuition and endowment, enrollment, and financial aid at independent, private school in the Unites States. Multilevel modeling techniques within SPSS were used to determine if these factors were related, and to develop a statistical model to predict national tuition levels based on endowment, enrollment, and financial aid. Data from independent, private schools, governed by self-perpetuating boards of trustees, with membership in the National Association of Independent Schools, were used to complete the statistical analyses and the results of the study are broadly applicable to financial modeling characteristic of independent, private schools. Significant relationships between tuition, endowment, enrollment, and financial aid were statistically demonstrated and a mathematical equation, that predicts tuition, was developed.


William C. Holt

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Administration and Supervision | Educational Leadership
