
Comparision of Biodiversity of Avifauna in Urban Landscapes in Spring

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Biological and Environmental Sciences

Date of Award

Spring 2014


I estimated the species richness of avifauna in urban environments in Greenville, Texas in the spring of 2012 across all zoning types using a point sampling technique. The purpose of my study was to identify the impact urbanization has had on the local avian communities. Chi-squared testing was utilized to identify the similarity and richness of the avian communities. Of the seven examined zones, the agricultural zone had the least amount of individual birds observed, 327, while the industrial and central zones had the greatest amount with 690 individuals each. The parks had the greatest richness with 34 observed species, while central areas only held 15 species. These data suggest that increasing levels of urbanization lends itself to greater densities of individuals, while reducing the diversity of species. The reduction in diversity caused by urbanization produced avian communities that were dominated by generalist species because specialist species are less tolerant of disturbances.


Jeff Kopachena

Subject Categories

Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Structural Biology | Life Sciences