"Investigation of Gallium Promoted Palladium/Titanium Dioxide Catalysts" by Luis Fabian Pena-Orduna

Investigation of Gallium Promoted Palladium/Titanium Dioxide Catalysts for the Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene in the Presence of Ethylene

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Physics and Astronomy

Date of Award

Spring 2014


Gallium is investigated as a promoter of supported Pd catalysts for the selective hydrogenation of acetylene in ethylene. TiO2 support is investigated with high (1%) and low (0.25%) Pd loadings. Reaction parameters, including reduction temperature, H2/C2H2 ratio and Pd/Ga ratio, were studied to optimize the performance of catalysts. The currentresults show that Ga promotes the selective hydrogenation of acetylene to ethylene over TiO2 supported Pd catalysts, but it is a function of Ga loading.In addition, non-thermal RF plasma has been used to modify and/or reduce promoted Pd catalysts to induce strong or unique interaction between Ga and Pd. Differential scanning calorimeter in hydrogen atmosphere (H2-DSC) was used as the main technique to gauge the interaction between Pd precursor and Ga on TiO2 surface, and will be used for the catalysts modified by plasmas. The catalytic performance of plasma modified catalysts will be systematically studied.


Anil R. Chourasia

Subject Categories

Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Physics
