"An Examination of Self-Efficacy and the Impact of Self-Regulation Stra" by Ferne Beth Farkas

An Examination of Self-Efficacy and the Impact of Self-Regulation Strategy Instruction on Struggling High School Writers

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Curriculum and Instruction

Date of Award

Spring 2014


This mixed methods design study qualitatively examined the phenomenon of self-efficacy from the participants' perspective. It explained, in qualitative terms, the metacognitive thoughts of struggling high school writers as they engaged in the process of writing persuasive essays. Additionally, this study examined, in quantitative terms, the effects of the STOP and DARE self-regulation strategy on the participants' persuasive writing achievement. The participants' self-efficacy for writing persuasive essays progressed in a positive way throughout the study. The participants displayed positive expressions, thoughts and ideas. Their writing achievement improved when they implemented the STOP and DARE self-regulation strategy.


Susan Szabo

Subject Categories

Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Elementary Education
