
A Comparison of the Effects of Script Fading and Video Modeling Interventions for Children with Autism

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Psychology and Special Education

Date of Award

Summer 2014


A common social skill deficit of children with Autism is the inability to initiate and sustain conversation with others (Wichnick, Verner, Pyrtek, & Poulson, 2010). Presently, there are several interventions that aim to improve the social outcomes for students with Autism such as script fading and video modeling. Script fading is an intervention used to promote language among individuals with Autism (Krantz, Ramsland, & McClannahan, 1989). Video modeling is an intervention that focuses on the visual aspect of learning (Ganz, Earles-Vollrah, & Cook, 2011). This thesis examines the social validity, and inter-rater reliability of studies that met inclusion criteria. Two methods of synthesis helped determine the overall effectiveness of script fading and video modeling interventions across subjects, gender and age categories. This research synthesis included 25 peer-reviewed articles published between the years 1990 and 2014. According to Percentage of Non-overlapping Data (PND), and Percentage of Data Exceeding the Median (PEM) calculations, the overall effects of video modeling and script fading interventions were found to be moderately effective on the social skills acquisition of students with Autism. A limitation of the PND is that outliers may demonstrate low scores for a particular study. However, to counteract this effect the author used PEM. Another limitation is that visual inspection of graphs can show inconsistency with PND and PEM outcomes. In some cases, the graph showed two variables in one only graph. In order to obtain a more reliable result for the effectiveness of script fading, more studies should be evaluated in future research.The main contribution of this research synthesis is that it combines a broad review of research into one study; it is a new evaluation of the effectiveness of video modeling and script fading as an intervention technique for social skills of children with Autism


William G. Masten

Subject Categories

Education | Special Education and Teaching