"Effect of Tax Ratification Election on Student Achievement" by Lance Groppel

Effect of Tax Ratification Election on Student Achievement


Lance Groppel

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Educational Administration

Date of Award

Fall 2013


This dissertation examines the impact a Tax Ratification Election has on student achievement in Texas. Texas schools continue to struggle with shrinking budgets and increasing standards of student achievement (Equity Center, 2011). This study will provide greater insight into whether school districts that have completed a TRE have created a learning environment that is more conducive to learning. Additionally, the researcher sought to determine whether generating more maintenance and operating funds would lead to improved student performance. Districts in the state of Texas have some ability to generate higher levels of funding through voter passage of a TRE (Texas Education Code [TEC], 1995). Specifically, through a TRE, districts can receive up to a 13-cent tax increase. In the state of Texas, the increasing levels of accountability require more school districts to provide an acceptable level of education or, as the Texas Constitution (2009) states, a 'general diffusion of knowledge' (GDK). This study aims to provide district leaders with more information about the true impact those dollars can have on student success focusing on state testing data from the participating districts.


Chuck Holt

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Administration and Supervision
