"Teacher Perceptions of Professional Evaluations and Their Impact on Cl" by Erica Castille Redman

Teacher Perceptions of Professional Evaluations and Their Impact on Classroom Instruction

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D)


Educational Administration

Date of Award

Spring 2018


Researchers and educators have questioned the effectiveness of teacher evaluation because it often does not affect classroom teachers' practices. According to current research, the quality of teaching in a classroom can significantly affect student learning and achievement. In the State of Texas, teacher evaluation practices, designed to create opportunities for professional growth, are implemented using the new evaluation system, Texas Teacher Evaluation Support System (T-TESS). If changing teacher practice is a needed outcome of the evaluation process, then gaining the perceptions of Texas teachers on the evaluation system after the first year of implementation is of paramount importance. The purpose of this descriptive study was to determine teachers' perceptions of the T-TESS as implemented during the 2016-2017 school year. Survey data were collected from nine Texas school districts with student populations between 500-999 students. The researcher used the Teacher Evaluation Profile for Teachers (TEP) as the data collection tool, which included Likert-scale questions related to teachers' perceptions about the T-TESS. The researcher reported the findings of the TEP survey instrument, analyzed the data, and determined the aspects of the teacher evaluation process that have an impact on their instruction based on their perceptions. The researcher also determined that with the sample population, there was no significance between gender, years of experience, and grade level taught and teacher perceptions of their evaluation process as measured by the TEP instrument.


Deborah Goodwin

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Administration and Supervision | Educational Leadership
