Teacher-Centered Versus Student-Centered Instruction: A Descriptive Case Study
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (Ed.D)
Educational Administration
Date of Award
Fall 2011
This study investigated the look of learning in both teacher-centered and student-centered instructional classrooms by analyzing the observational data collected in one elementary school in a growing Texas suburban school district. By presenting this case study, the foundation was laid to estimate the value of the Working on the Work (WOW) framework as a meaningful path toward enhanced classroom instruction. This study investigated the look of learning in both teacher-centered and student-centered instructional classrooms by analyzing the observational data collected in one elementary school in a growing Texas suburban school district. By presenting this case study, the foundation was laid to estimate the value of the Working on the Work (WOW) framework as a meaningful path toward enhanced classroom instruction. The findings presented in this investigation designate that an implementation of the WOW framework is a valuable component to lesson design, especially as it relates to increased student-centered learning and active student engagement.
James Vornberg
Subject Categories
Education | Educational Administration and Supervision
Recommended Citation
Walters, Valerie, "Teacher-Centered Versus Student-Centered Instruction: A Descriptive Case Study" (2011). Electronic Theses & Dissertations. 41.