Examining the Effects of Making Judgments of Learning on True and False Memory

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Psychology and Special Education

Date of Award

Spring 2019


Several recent studies (Mitchum, Kelley, & Fox, 2016; Soderstrom, Clark, Halamish, & Bjork, 2015) found that under certain circumstances the act of making judgments of learning (JOLs) for paired associates enhances later memory. Such effects could suggest a need for more careful consideration of the methods used--and the conclusions drawn--in studies using JOLs. An open question is whether this effect of JOLs extends to materials other than paired associates. The goal of the present study is to examine the effects of making JOLs on later recall for lists of single words. A secondary goal is to analyze the effect of making JOLs on false recall for critical lures of Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) word lists. Results suggest that the memory enhancement effects found in previous studies using paired associates may not extend to memory for lists of single words. Potential limitations and future directions are discussed.


Benton H. Pierce

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Psychology
