#Nonbinary, #Genderqueer: Non-binary Gender World-making through the Networked Counterpublic of Tumblr

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)


Literature and Languages

Date of Award

Spring 2019


Given that individuals who deviate from the female/male gender binary often experience resistance and violence, I examine the role of Tumblr as a site for non-binary and genderqueer world-making. Despite the fact that no space, digital or otherwise, can be completely safe, non-binary and genderqueer individuals utilize Tumblr as a safer space. My dissertation answers the questions: what literacies have gender non-binary individuals enacted as they explore their non-normative identities on Tumblr, and what worlds have gender non-binary individuals created on Tumblr and what can they tell us about how non-binary gender literacies function in the networked counterpublic of Tumblr?


Shannon Carter

Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities | Rhetoric and Composition
